Tech Fix

Learning Through Reverse Engineering: Guided by AI

Learning is an evolving journey in the changing realm of technology. While traditional education holds significance, exploring approaches can deepen our understanding of technologies. One effective method is engineering, which not only unveils the inner workings of a product but also lays the groundwork for expanding our skills. Combining engineering and artificial intelligence (AI) can...

Holly Partitions Batman! It Works

Just when you think there isn’t anything new under the sun. Here comes a tool that is made for WINDOWS 8, yes I said it, a tool designed for  WINDOWS 8 that can be used now! What’s the most typical problem with desktop computers? Well perhaps that’s too broad of a question. Let me put...

Did you know… Your Computer has Options?

My latest journey initially left me in the dark, literally.  In the middle of a Skype Chat, working on a document, and perhaps a time management game in the background, my computer just shutdown.  Before you throw up the ‘Memory’ flag I have 6gb, so more than enough for this short task list, and this...

When Apple Acts Like Windows

Ahhh, I see I have peaked someone’s interest. Let me explain. In the infinite wisdom of Microsoft I will share one of the most bothersome events that occur in my experience with Windows.  It would be its ability or lack there of to clearly define what the problem is. Take this generic response when you...

Tech Challenges

If you tried to visit my site during the first week of January you may have noticed, well it wasn’t here. At the end of the year I generally assess my web hosting services and make a change.  The migration and updates did not move as smoothly as expected, but I can say that at...

BSoD – I Am Personally Offended

The Blue Screen of Death (also known as a stop error, BSoD, bluescreen, or Blue Screen of Doom) Death and Doom? I don’t know if its that serious but it could definitely feel like it.  If this is not your first visit to my blog you are aware I have mentioned on more than one...

The Hard Drive That Never Crashes

Right. Did that title fool you? There isn’t one. So I think backups are a learned experience. Meaning that you have a bad crash, and you learn you need to backup your data. Because just in case you didn’t know, your hard drive at some point will not do what you want it to do. ...