Rest and Repeat AI for 2024

The winter season brings a sense of slowing down, if only for a moment. However, this doesn’t apply to AI. AI continues to captivate us with its capabilities and the potential for collaboration. With each innovation, I’ve contemplated the challenges and opportunities it presents to humans. After researching, I’ve gathered a few highlights from 2023...

Claude 2.1 Lets Go!

One of the things I appreciate and respect about Anthropic, the creators of Claude, is the transparency of their messaging and content. The content is easy to understand, and that’s a plus in this space. Whenever I visit their site, I have a clear picture of where they are and the plans for moving forward....

Drifting through AI

AI drift refers to a phenomenon in artificial intelligence where sophisticated AI entities, such as chatbots, robots, or digital constructs, deviate from their original programming and directives to exhibit responses and behaviors that their human creators did not intend or anticipate. The accuracy of data is becoming more and more critical as we move forward...