It’s a Family Affair with Claude 3

Anthropic announced the Claude 3 model family last month, which sets new industry benchmarks across various cognitive tasks. I am always excited to see what comes from Anthropic, so I was eager to see this group arrive. The family includes three state-of-the-art models in ascending order of capability: Claude 3 Haiku, Claude 3 Sonnet, and...

Claude 2.1 Lets Go!

One of the things I appreciate and respect about Anthropic, the creators of Claude, is the transparency of their messaging and content. The content is easy to understand, and that’s a plus in this space. Whenever I visit their site, I have a clear picture of where they are and the plans for moving forward....

The Engineering Mechanics of AI

A new hobby I discovered last year is traditional tabletop puzzles. Building puzzles is a form of Engineering. To illustrate, prompting could be like looking for a puzzle piece. The LLM is trained to search the box for the right puzzle and piece. Let’s shake the box to see what pieces make up an LLM....